====== Combobox in Eclipse Forms ====== Eclipse Forms is a framework for displaying widgets in a more website like style. It also has some convenient ways for creating these widget instances. You just need to create a ''FormToolkit'' instance and call the ''create'' methods. FormToolkit toolkit = new FormToolkit(page.getDisplay()); Form form = toolkit.createForm(page); toolkit.createText(form.getBody(), SWT.BORDER); But some widgets are not out-of-the-box supported by the ''FormToolkit'' class. You can then create the widget by hand and use some toolkit methods to adjust the painting of the widget. Control c = new MyControl(form.getBody()); toolkit.adapt(c); toolkit.paintBordersFor(c); ===== Combobox ===== In case of the combobox which is not out-of-the-box supported by the ''FormToolkit'' class you can use the ''CCombo'' widget. CCombo combobox = new CCombo(form.getBody(), SWT.FLAT | SWT.BORDER); {{tag>swt eclipse devel}}