====== PostGIS ====== PostGIS is a PostgreSQL extension for geo spatial searches and processing. ===== Installation ===== Install PostgreSQL from your normal package management system. Also install the postgis extension, postgis or postgresql-9.1-postgis (the version may vary). Crunchbang 11 waldorf based on Debian 7 "Wheezy" comes with PostgreSQL version 9.1 which is fine. But the PostGIS extension is 1.5 (2.x is current). So we have to look for documentation for PostGIS 1.5, [[http://postgis.net/docs/manual-1.5/ch02.html#id354617 | PostGIS - Create a spatially-enabled database]].
The first step in creating a PostGIS database is to create a simple PostgreSQL database. createdb [yourdatabase] Many of the PostGIS functions are written in the PL/pgSQL procedural language. As such, the next step to create a PostGIS database is to enable the PL/pgSQL language in your new database. This is accomplish by the command createlang plpgsql [yourdatabase] Now load the PostGIS object and function definitions into your database by loading the postgis.sql definitions file (located in [prefix]/share/contrib as specified during the configuration step). psql -d [yourdatabase] -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql For a complete set of EPSG coordinate system definition identifiers, you can also load the spatial_ref_sys.sql definitions file and populate the spatial_ref_sys table. This will permit you to perform ST_Transform() operations on geometries. psql -d [yourdatabase] -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql If you wish to add comments to the PostGIS functions, the final step is to load the postgis_comments.sql into your spatial database. The comments can be viewed by simply typing \dd [function_name] from a psql terminal window. psql -d [yourdatabase] -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis_comments.sql PostGIS - 2.5 Create a spatially-enabled database
If you get the error ''geometry type does not exist'' then you should check that you run the SQL scripts not with your common database user but with a superuser. At the start of the script you may see an error message like ''keine Berechtigung für Sprache C'' which translates to something like ''no auth for language C''. Run the script with the postgres user: ''su - postgres''. For a complete installation manual see the PostGIS wiki page: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/PostGIS/Installation The file 900913.sql can be found on debian under ''/usr/share/osm2pgsql''. {{tag>devel database}}