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vaadin_splitbutton [2015/04/15 09:24]
vaadin_splitbutton [2021/04/05 11:23] (current)
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 +====== Vaadin Splitbutton ======
 +<note important>This self-made splitbutton composition is not necessary any more. The Vaadin Valo theme supports splitbuttons via the MenuBar component, see [[http://demo.vaadin.com/valo-theme/#!menubars|Vaadin Valo Demo Menu Bars]].</note>
 +Bootstrap has such a nice splitbutton UI component. But with some composition you can have a similar component in Vaadin (with the Valo theme) by using the CssLayout and the ''v-component-group'' CSS class.
 +<sxh java>
 +CssLayout group = new CssLayout();
 +Button save = new Button("save");
 +ComboBox box = new ComboBox();
 +// this puts the icon in the middle of the rest of the combobox
 +<note tip>Don't miss to reset the value of the combo box after handling the event:
 +  box.setValue(null);
 +{{tag>vaadin java}}