====== Dropwizard with Fabric8 and Kubernetes ====== Here are some of my notes from the development of a REST service prototype with [[http://dropwizard.io|Dropwizard]], [[http://fabric8.io|Fabric8]] and [[http://kubernetes.io|Kubernetes]]. ===== Examples ===== You can check out the following example projects: * [[https://bitbucket.org/m1hael/helloworld|Hello World REST Service]] * [[https://bitbucket.org/m1hael/greetworld|Greet World REST Service]] ===== Setup ===== ==== Minikube ==== I use [[https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube|minikube]] for my development and on the first start of minikube the definition of the image must be passed as parameters. Any future call of ''minikube'' will use the parameters from the first call, no matter what. You find the minikube image of your first call at ''$HOME/.minikube/machines''. ==== Docker ==== Your application will be packaged as a docker image. In order for minikube to find the image you built locally on your machine you need to use the docker daemon of your minikube installation. So first start minikube and then use ''minikube docker-env'' to get access to the docker daemon of minikube. eval $(minikube docker-env) ===== Development ===== ==== Fabric8 YAML files ==== All fabric8 YAML files go into ''/src/main/fabric8'' (if you have a Maven project). These files are [[https://maven.fabric8.io/#resource-fragments|resource fragments]]. ==== External Resources ==== From time to time you want to access resources which are not deployed on your kubernetes nodes, f. e. a database during development or an LDAP server. To get this in a dynamic fashion you can use a **Service** definition with the type **ExternalName**. This will register a service at your pod. kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: testdatabase spec: type: ExternalName externalName: testdb.domain You can check the service registration with kubectl describe service testdatabase -o yaml ==== Fabric8 Merged Files ==== The merged kubernetes files which the fabric8-maven-plugin generates can be found at //target/fabric8/kubernetes//. ==== Services ==== === Service Names === If you are using Maven then the service name will be composed from the artifact id. greenfield customer will result in a service name ''customer''. This can be changed by using a resource fragment like this metadata: name: ${project.groupId}-${project.artifactId} namespace: default Here the groupid is prepended to the artifact id and results in ''greenfield-customer''. === Service Discovery === == Service Discovery by DNS == Every service is available by its DNS name and so you can use that to reach it. == Service Discovery by Environment Variables == Also for every service environment variables will be create like GREENFIELD_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_HOST= GREENFIELD_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_PORT=8181 GREENFIELD_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_PORT_DROPWIZARD=8181 Which can be used to configure things like REST clients: String baseUri = "http://" + System.getenv("GREENFIELD_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_HOST") + ":" + System.getenv("GREENFIELD_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_PORT"); List services = client. target(baseUri). path("customer"). request("application/vnd.sgbs.customer.v1+json"). get(new GenericType>() { }); Caching values like host value (IP address) of services is not a good idea as the IP address may change during a redeployment. Service discovery by DNS is a safer method. === Service Namespaces === You can configure a service to be in a specific namespace. The namespace specifies the subdomain the service is reachable via DNS. metadata: name: greenfield-service namespace: default This service is reachable by the domain name ''greenfield-service.default.svc.cluster.local'' or simply by ''greenfield-service'' (depending from where you make the request). ==== Database ==== === Secrets === You may add the secrets for accessing the database into the Dropwizard configuration. But Kubernetes offers you a away to remove those credentials from the REST configuration: [[https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/|Kubernetes Secrets]] By using Kubernetes Secrets you can mount the credentials as a volume in your filesystem or have the values as environment variables. The storing of the credentials in Kubernetes can be done manually via the ''kubectl'' command or as part of the build and deployment process. == Deploy Secrets with Fabric8 == By using a resource fragment you can use the fabric8 maven plugin to install the credentials in kubernetes: kind: Secret apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: ${project.groupId}-${project.artifactId}-db-secret data: username: bXktYXBw password: Mzk1MjgkdmRnN0piCg== In the deployment resource fragment you can now specify how to provide the credentials to you application. I choose the environment variables: spec: template: spec: containers: - env: - name: GREENFIELD_DB_USERNAME valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: ${project.groupId}-${project.artifactId}-db-secret key: username - name: GREENFIELD_DB_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: ${project.groupId}-${project.artifactId}-db-secret key: password In the application I use the env vars ''GREENFIELD_DB_USERNAME'' and ''GREENFIELD_DB_PASSWORD'' to access the credential values. DBIFactory factory = new DBIFactory(); DataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory = configuration.getDataSourceFactory(); dataSourceFactory.setUser(System.getenv("GREENFIELD_DB_USERNAME")); dataSourceFactory.setPassword(System.getenv("GREENFIELD_DB_PASSWORD")); DBI jdbi = factory.build(env, configuration.getDataSourceFactory(), "postgresql"); If you use this technique you don't have to add user and password to the Dropwizard configuration file. From Kubernetes Docs: If you configure the secret through a manifest (JSON or YAML) file which has the secret data encoded as base64, sharing this file or checking it in to a source repository means the secret is compromised. Base64 encoding is not an encryption method and is considered the same as plain text. ===== Deployment ===== During the development of the prototype a simple deployment from the local codebase was enough for me: mvn fabric8:run This compiles, packages and deploys the application in the minikube instance. ==== Dropwizard CLI Arguments ==== Dropwizards normally gets started with some arguments on the command line. Fabric8 doesn't do this out of the box. You need to tell it explicitly. I used a resource fragment for this: metadata: annotations: configmap.fabric8.io/update-on-change: ${project.artifactId} spec: template: spec: volumes: - name: config configMap: name: ${project.artifactId} containers: - command : [ "/deployments/run-java.sh" ] args : [ "server", "/etc/greenfield-customer/config.json" ] ports: - containerPort: 8181 name: dropwizard protocol: TCP volumeMounts: - name: config mountPath: /etc/greenfield-customer This does multiple things: * sets the command to be executed on container startup * sets the arguments to be passed to the command (for dropwizard: server config.yml) * defines what ports should be opened up on the docker image (http port of the dropwizard application) * defines where to find the configuration and mounts a configmap as the configuration The definition of the deployment syntax can be found [[https://kubernetes.io/docs/api-reference/v1.7/#container-v1-core|here]]. The values for the entries are expected in a specific format. F. e. command and args values are **always** arrays and need brackets, even if there is only one value for the entry. ==== Dropwizard Configuration ==== The dropwizard configuration is normally in a YAML file. Though lately I have found out that you can also use JSON as a syntax. This comes quite handy because now it is quite easy to place the dropwizard configuration in JSON format into a fabric8 YAML file. metadata: name: ${project.groupId}-${project.artifactId}-rs data: config.json: | { "server": { "applicationConnectors": [{ "type": "http", "port": 8181 }], "adminConnectors": [{ "type": "http", "port": 8081 }], "requestLog" : { "appenders" : [ { "type" : "file", "currentLogFilename" : "/var/log/application/access.log", "archivedLogFilenamePattern" : "/var/log/application/access.log.%d.gz", "archivedFileCount" : 10, }, { "type" : "console", "target" : "stdout" } ] } }, "logging": { "level" : "INFO", "appenders" : [ { "type" : "console", "threshold" : "INFO", "target" : "stdout" }, { "type" : "file", "currentLogFilename" : "/var/log/application/log", "archivedLogFilenamePattern" : "/var/log/application/log.%d.gz", "archivedFileCount" : 10, "timeZone" : "UTC" } ] }, "database": { "driverClass": "org.postgresql.Driver", "url": "jdbc:postgresql://greenfield-service-db:5432/greenfield", "properties": { "charSet": "UTF-8" }, "maxWaitForConnection": "1s", "validationQuery": "/* MyService Health Check */ SELECT 1", "initialSize": 2, "minSize": 2, "maxSize": 8, "checkConnectionWhileIdle": false, "evictionInterval": "10s", "minIdleTime": "1 minute" } } By this the dropwizard configuration is registered as a kubernetes ''ConfigMap''. To access this configuration as a file the configuration must be mounted as a volume into the filesystem of the docker image, see //deployment.yml//. ===== Administration ===== ==== Log into Docker instance ==== kubectl exec -ti $(kubectl get pods | cut -d " " -f 1 | grep maven.artifact.id) bash ==== Display Pod Log ==== kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pods | cut -d " " -f 1 | grep maven.artifact.id) ===== Application Logging ===== Kubernetes uses by default the stack //fluentd//, //ElasticSearch// and //Kibana// for logging. This can be installed in the Runtime via the template ''logging''. This will install the necessary pods. Everything your application outputs to ''STDOUT'' and ''STDERR'' will automatically be logged. So the easiest way to get the application logs into the logging stack is to output the log data to ''STDOUT'' and ''STDERR''. The same goes for the access log. You may need to modify the used indexes in the Kibana UI. You can check which indexes exist in ElasticSearch by querying its REST service: curl -v {{tag>devel fabric8 dropwizard kubernetes}}