====== Identity Column ====== Identity columns are nice way to let the system generate unique ids for each inserted row in a table. By default the system doesn't let you insert a value into an identity column but you can override this. See [[https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/ssw_ibm_i_73/sqlp/rbafyinsertidentity.htm | Inserting values into an identity column]]. ===== OVERRIDING USER VALUE ===== If you want to the use the system generated values you can specify this on the SQL statement with ''OVERRIDE USER VALUE''. INSERT INTO ORDERS OVERRIDING USER VALUE (SELECT * FROM TODAYS_ORDER) ===== OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE ===== If you want to the use the user provided values you can specify this on the SQL statement with ''OVERRIDE SYSTEM VALUE''. INSERT INTO ORDERS OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE (SELECT * FROM TODAYS_ORDER) {{tag>ibm devel sql}}